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Скачать с ютуб Remember Minecraft PE Lite? I found a working copy... в хорошем качестве

Remember Minecraft PE Lite? I found a working copy... 2 года назад

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Remember Minecraft PE Lite? I found a working copy...

This is a bit of a sequel to the last video, where we are exploring another deleted version of Minecraft! Today it's Minecraft Pocket Edition Lite (sometimes they call it Minecraft pocket edition demo I think they're the same??) which for me is super nostalgic, since I used to love playing it, although I never really understood what blocks like the nether reactor were for lol. To clarify since I think I explained it not well in the video, when I said this was just on my phone it was in some dusty settings menu that let me download old apps I used to have Twitter:   / therealsquiddo   Discord:   / discord  
