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7 Killer Jokes That Make People Love Being Around You

Join Over 14,000 Members At Charisma University: Subscribe to Charisma On Command’s YouTube Account: Today you’re going to learn 7 easy ways to make people laugh and love being around you. ⏰TIMESTAMPS⏰ 0:00 - Intro 0:26 - #1: Say the opposite 0:51 - #2: Use looney tunes logic 1:44 - #3: Double down on your joke 2:59 - #4: Double down on someone else's joke 4:43 - #5: Use the reverse defense 5:40 - #6: Use the fake out method 6:19 - #7: Use go to jokes 7:35 - Find your personality and charisma style -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #CharismaOnCommand #RyanReynolds #CraigFerguson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with us further: Website: Facebook:   / charismaoncommand   Instagram: @CharismaOnCommand
