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Скачать с ютуб Weather Warning: Temperatures PLUNGE ahead of 70mph gusts - parts of UK already BLANKETED in snow в хорошем качестве

Weather Warning: Temperatures PLUNGE ahead of 70mph gusts - parts of UK already BLANKETED in snow 4 недели назад

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Weather Warning: Temperatures PLUNGE ahead of 70mph gusts - parts of UK already BLANKETED in snow

A band of snow fell across south west England overnight as temperatures have dropped to single figures ahead of Easter. Winds are expected to hit up to 70mph today as Storm Nelson moves northeast across western areas from Spain. #gbnews #weather #ukweather #snow #wind #rain #gusts #metoffice #devon #plymouth Keep up to date with the latest news at Don’t let them silence us - support GB News here: Twitter:   / gbnews   Facebook:   / gbnewsonline   Download the GB News app! You can watch GB News on all of your favourite devices and keep up to date with the latest news, analysis, opinion and more.
