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Bush, Blair, Putin at G8 summit, police break up small demo

(16 Jul 2006) 1. Wide of Summit Negotiations Pavilion, electrocar arriving 2. Russian President Vladimir Putin watching 3. Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi arriving 4. Mid of Putin and Prodi shaking hands 5. Mid pan of Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi coming out of electrocar 6. Wide of Putin and Koizumi shaking hand 7. Close up of Putin and Koizumi 8. Wide of pavilion 9. Mid of British Prime Minister Tony Blair arriving 10. Mid Putin 11. Mid of Blair and Putin shaking hands 12. Wide of Putin and Blair 13. Blair entering pavilion 14. Wide of G8 leaders inside 15. Mid of electrocar arriving, US President George W Bush coming out, Bush and Putin shaking hands 16. Wide of handshake 17. Mid of Bush entering pavilion 18. Close up of Putin talking with French President Jacques Chirac 19. Mid of German Chancellor Angela Merkel arriving, shaking hands with Putin 20. Wide of handshake 21. Mid Putin and Merkel walking inside pavilion 22. Wide of G8 leaders at round table 23. Close up of Putin talking 24. Close up of Blair smiling 25. Close up of Bush 26. Close up of Putin laughing 27. Close up of Merkel 28. Close up of Koizumi 29. Mid of Putin and Bush handshake 30. Zoom in Tony Blair and Bush talks 31. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President: "We have to clarify a root cause of the instability in the Middle East - and that's Hezbollah and Hezbollah's relationship with Syria, and Hezbollah's relationship to Iran, and Syria's relationship to Iran.Therefore in order to solve this problem it is really important for the world to address the root cause. We of course have continued discussions with Israel. All sovereign nations have the right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks. However we hope that there is restraint." 32. Wide of Jacques Chirac and Bush handshake during talks 33.SOUNDBITE (French) Jacques Chirac, French President: "It is necessary to apply the (UN) resolution 1559. And in order to do that all forces which threaten and endanger the security, stability and sovereignty of Lebanon must be stopped." 34. Wide of pavilion STORYLINE World leaders at the Group of Eight summit urged Israel on Sunday to show some restraint after four days of steady, deadly bombing against its neighbour Lebanon. "All sovereign nations have the right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks. However we hope that there is restraint." US President George W. Bush said. World leaders opened their first G-8 working session expressing confidence that they will emerge with a consensus position calling for peace - despite differing views on who is to blame. Bush also said the international community must address the root causes of the violence taking place in the Mideast. "We have to clarify a root cause of the instability in the Middle East - and that's Hezbollah and Hezbollah's relationship with Syria, and Hezbollah's relationship to Iran, and Syria's relationship to Iran," he said. Israeli warplanes began striking Lebanon after Hezbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli soldiers on Wednesday in a cross-border raid into Israel. The deadly bombings continued into Sunday as Hezbollah fired barrages of rockets ever deeper into Israel, killing nine people in the city of Haifa. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned of "far-reaching consequences." French President Jacques Chirac, however, has questioned whether Israel's response to the capture of its soldiers went too far. But as they began their meeting on Sunday, Bush and Chirac tried to present a united front. Lebanon and that militias there disarm - a reference to Hezbollah. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter:   / ap_archive   Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ Instagram:   / apnews   #G8Summit #Putin #Blair #Bush You can license this story through AP Archive:
