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Скачать с ютуб BREAKING NOW: 4/15/24 Fani Willis Financial Crisis $488,0000 || Fani Willis Case Fund || Trump в хорошем качестве

BREAKING NOW: 4/15/24 Fani Willis Financial Crisis $488,0000 || Fani Willis Case Fund || Trump 13 дней назад

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BREAKING NOW: 4/15/24 Fani Willis Financial Crisis $488,0000 || Fani Willis Case Fund || Trump

BREAKING NOW: 4/15/24 Fani Willis Financial Crisis $488,0000 || Fani Willis Case Fund || Trump #faniwillis #judge #attorney #mcafee #trump Fani Willis is rocked by a new financial scandal. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis led the racketeering case, against Donald Trump. She allowed the case to sprawl further before seeing it delayed, by a possible conflict of interest. Fani Willis has seen her office rocked by an even graver scandal. a potential misuse of federal funds. the county prosecutor’s office was spending a $488,0000 grant earmarked for juvenile programs. Now, Fani Willis has come under fire for “inconsistencies”. in its reporting to federal authorities. a former employee of Fani Willis’ office sued her former employer, two years ago in a Georgia court. and she accused the DA of misusing the grant to pay for travel and computers. and “swag.”.Timpson also accused a higher-ranking employee of racial discrimination. The House Judiciary Committee is investigating the D.A.’s use of federal funds. Jim Jordan R-Ohio, used his chairmanship on the committee to subpoena the DA records related to this grant. Willis called Jordan’s requests “unreasonable and uncustomary” . and described them as an attempt to delay the prosecution of a political ally. ============================== Disclaimer: This channel is not owned by any US Government Agencies or an Immigration attorney. The contents of this channel, information, news, and educational purposes only. That is collected from various public domains. For any inquiry or copyright issue please contact via E-mail.
