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LEGO Ghostbusters is an epic re-imagining of the classic Ghostbuster films. Digital Wizards Studios - Eight artists with a combined collection of over $100,000 of LEGO bricks spend 2000 hrs over the last 5 months: building, animating, lighting, compositing and composing for this animated marvel! Only you can bring our dreams of a Finding Nemo LEGO set to reality support. VOTE HERE Fun facts: 1) Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is played by my 10yr old daughter- Hailee 2) Features 5 of the most valuable LEGO produced (Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Cafe Corner, Green Grocer and Mr. Gold) 3) Even our wives help out- by voicing characters 4) One hundred and forty different mini figs are in the largest city scene 5) The opening shot took 12 hrs to setup and 6 hrs to animate Do you want to know more? The Behind the Scenes Video can be found HERE    • LEGO GHOSTBUSTERS BEHIND THE SCENES   You can find us on: Twitter   / digital_wizards   Facebook Website Military vehicles made by Andrew Somers check out his work here
