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Why Tire Companies Love EVs

The tire business can be a brutal one - low growth, low margins and extreme competition. Tire makers are at the mercy of ups and downs of raw material prices. About half of customers are largely indifferent to the brand of tires they buy. Price is the main differentiator. But industry analysts say the rise of EVs provides tire makers with the biggest growth opportunity they have seen in decades. AlixPartners estimates that tires on EVs can cost 50 percent more and require replacement 20 percent more frequently. Watch the video above to learn more. Chapters: 00:00 - 01:16 Title card - Why tire companies love EVs 01:23 Chapter 1 - A tough business 03:37 Chapter 2 - EV revolution 09:31 Chapter 3 - The potential Producer: Robert Ferris Editor: Evan Lee Miller Animation: Christina Locopo, Jason Reginato Senior Managing Producer: Tala Hadavi Additional footage: Audi, Chevrolet, Continental, Ford Getty Images, GMC, Kia Michelin, Polestar, Porsche, Rivian, Tesla, Volkswagen » Subscribe to CNBC: » Subscribe to CNBC TV: About CNBC: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. Want to make extra money outside of your day job? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Earn Passive Income Online to learn about common passive income streams. Register today and save 50% with discount code EARLYBIRD: Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: Follow CNBC News on Instagram: Follow CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC on Threads: Follow CNBC News on X: #CNBC Why Tire Companies Love EVs
