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Скачать с ютуб Daniel Schaeffer “Why China Wants the South China Sea For Itself Alone” в хорошем качестве

Daniel Schaeffer “Why China Wants the South China Sea For Itself Alone” 8 лет назад

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Daniel Schaeffer “Why China Wants the South China Sea For Itself Alone”

Daniel Schaeffer, Asia think-tank 21, France. Presented at Conflict in the South China Sea, May 6-7, 2016. An international conference at Yale exploring the history of the ongoing dispute in the South China Sea, featuring speakers from universities and research institutions in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Philippines, and across the United States. The two-day event was hosted by Yale’s Council on Southeast Asian Studies, with additional support from the Council on East Asian Studies, and the Institute for Vietnamese Culture and Education  For the full list of speakers, please visit: To view all the videos from this conference, follow this link:    • Conflict in the South China Sea, May ...  
