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Elon Musk: The Next Great Financial Crisis 🚨 1 год назад

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Elon Musk: The Next Great Financial Crisis 🚨

Elon Musk just raised some major issues for the financial markets. The banking problem is worse than people think, house prices could be the next thing to fall and unless the federal reserve lowers interest rates soon, we could be headed to the next great depression. In this video we will be looking at: 0:00 - Intro 1:25 - The Global Banking System Problem 2:46 - The Real Estate Time Bomb 5:48 - What is the Solution? 7:02 - Summary Source:    / @foxnews   ============= Recommended ============= 👉🏼 Get a free stock upto £100 with Trading 212 👉🏼 Get $10 in free Bitcoin when signing up & investing $100 with Coinbase =============================================== =========================================== Social Media Twitter =   / _nathanstweet   YouTube =    / @nathanhq   =========================================== Disclaimer Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide, I may receive a small commission. There is no charge to you! This channel is for education purposes only and certainly NOT individual investment advice. You should seek investment advice from a registered professional before making any investment decision. This channel is not responsible for any investment actions taken by viewers. #Crypto #Ethereum #Money
