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Kings Canyon, Red Centre, Northern Territory, Australia 8 лет назад

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Kings Canyon, Red Centre, Northern Territory, Australia

Kings Canyon, Northern Territory, Red Centre, Australia, Canyon Rim Walk. A few shots of Kings Canyon, Watarrka National Park, as seen from the Canyon Rim Walk during a visit in September 2015. Kings Canyon Rim Walk is a 6km Moderate - Hard walk loop track which ascends to the top of the Canyon and takes you to "The Garden of Eden" before descending back to the carpark. #Northernterritoty #NTaustralia LICENSE CONTENT FROM THIS VIDEO Please contact us by email to request a quote to license all or any part of this video for your business or organisation. We have a growing library of individual video clips which can be licensed exclusively through Pond5 visit our Artist Portfolio Videography and sound design by Into the Wild Films. WEB / SOCIAL MEDIA Web: Instagram: Email: [email protected]
