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Скачать с ютуб A MILLIONAIRE Stocked This Pond With 15 DIFFERENT SPECIES!!! (Fishing Heaven) в хорошем качестве

A MILLIONAIRE Stocked This Pond With 15 DIFFERENT SPECIES!!! (Fishing Heaven) 4 недели назад

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A MILLIONAIRE Stocked This Pond With 15 DIFFERENT SPECIES!!! (Fishing Heaven)

I know what you're thinking.. It's march, here's the same stupid picture of me holding money, there's a weird structure in the background, It's gotta be 10 trout. This year that's not the case. I still might pump out one of those low budget, easy to create videos that have very little excitement, but do well one YouTube. For now, let's do some multi species catching. The walleye fishing has been fun, but my roots have always been to fish for everything, so let's do that. At a series of ponds that are stocked with 15 different species. PAAA POWWW!!! #Fishing #Crappie #Pond Jor-Dan's Queso Barria Taco Stand: @GoodLifeOutdoorsman FACEBOOK:   / joshpigpatrol   INSTAGRAM:   / joshpigpatrol   STACHE STICKS: NEW STACHE MERCH: WATERLAND DISCOUNT: "Stache" 6TH SENSE DISCOUNT: “Stache” 6TH SENSE SUBSCRIPTION: “Pig6Sack” E-MAIL: [email protected] THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!
