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Скачать с ютуб Antiques Roadshow UK 31x19 Wells, Somerset Part 1 (January 18, 2009) в хорошем качестве

Antiques Roadshow UK 31x19 Wells, Somerset Part 1 (January 18, 2009) 1 месяц назад

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Antiques Roadshow UK 31x19 Wells, Somerset Part 1 (January 18, 2009)

IMPORTANT: Without more of you showing some love on Patreon, we will stop posting Antiques Roadshow videos permanently. Thank you to the very few who have, but we don't get a penny from Youtube. Thus this isn't worth our time unless more of you donate. The fate of this channel is in your hands. We have a few dozen more seasons to upload. But only with more support will that happen. Help keep the channel going and to see several more seasons of Antiques Roadshow here, please support us on Patreon: 'GreatDox' is not Monetized. Do you want to see the rest of seasons 23 and 31, plus other older seasons posted here? Help keep the channel going and to see several more seasons of Antiques Roadshow here, please support us on Patreon: Fiona Bruce and the team travel to the Bishop's Palace in Wells, Somerset. Among the objects under scrutiny are one of the earliest objects ever seen on the Roadshow, a painting by Rolf Harris's grandfather, and a plate reputedly found in Captain Scott's tent on the ill-fated Antarctic expedition.
