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Easy Animation in AI Video with Synthesia Triggers

In this tutorial—made entirely within Synthesia, by the way, leveraging Kevin Alster's brand new, next generation expressive avatar—we explore how to add animations in Synthesia's AI video editing app. Forget things like layers, the timeline or anything complicated you may have regretted learning about in Premiere Pro or other video editing tools. Instead, with Synthesia you can animate elements on screen from the script itself. Confused? Don't be—it's super easy and Kevin is here to show you how it's done. 🚀 Try out AI video animations with a Synthesia account here (freemium version now available in several countries): ____ Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:16 What are triggers in Synthesia? 0:48 How do triggers work in Synthesia? 1:24 How to animate a sentence on-screen 2:11 Conclusion and tips #aivideo #animations #synthesia
