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【hiiragi】Tot Musica - Ado【acapella cover】

September is here I thought there'll be a non busy month but no it won't happen lol, tho I'll do my best, np pressure, to upload since i have recorded a lot in my phone even some requests years ago lmao I enjoyed singing this in acapella than mixing it with inst. Vocals ripped my ears tho while doing the denoising and more stuff lol. I love tot musica so much Music: Tot Musica by Ado (Uta from One Piece) Vocals: hiiragi Thumbnail edit: harupin (me) ----- I sing everywhere else without equipments and instruments, only a phone. Mostly acapella, low ASS quality recording. (Still learning mixing) But that wont stop me from singing Thanks for listening Just singing on a whim, a hobby. Uploads whenever i feel to. ⚠️DONT EXPECT A LOT⚠️ ----- Added my ko-fi link in case someone wants to donate or commission art Gotta use it for real life needs (and who knows maybe for a better record setup as well) #歌ってみた #ado #OnePiece #acapella #op_filmred #ウタ #hiroyukisawano #totmusica #UTA_TotMusica
