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Скачать с ютуб (CC) V makes it rain at Spotipoly | Spotipoly (FULL) в хорошем качестве

(CC) V makes it rain at Spotipoly | Spotipoly (FULL) 7 месяцев назад

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(CC) V makes it rain at Spotipoly | Spotipoly (FULL)

*Click CC for Arabic / Hindi / Indonesian / Japanese / Spanish / Thai / Vietnamese Layovers are usually not all that fun, but here’s BTS’ V coming to change your mind! From fishing to rain-making, enjoy all the games and the silliness that ensues when V finds himself making layovers on the Spotipoly board! After you watch, make sure to continue the fun on the K-Pop ON! Playlist and listen to V’s “Layover” and more! Listen to K-Pop ON! Playlist, only on Spotify 👉👉 👈👈 Watch K-Pop ON! Video Podcast, only on Spotify. 👉👉 👈👈 #V #V_Layover #V_SlowDancing #BTS
