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🎼 | made for dreams: moon. 🖤 Escape to a realm of tranquility and mystery with our ambient music mix. Explore the ethereal landscapes and embrace the introspective nature of this genre. Lose yourself in the captivating melodies and ambient textures that create an immersive sonic experience 🖤 Step with me into the abyss and immerse yourself in haunting melodies and ethereal soundscapes 🖤 subcribe if you would like to support me: 🖤 Enjoy    • peaceful.      • healing.      • missing dream.   🖤 The artwork, animation and audio on the "made from dreams" channel were either created by the channel owner. ✉ [email protected] 🖤 Thanks for listening #ambientmusic #snowfall #sleepmusic #darkmusic #darkambient #moon
