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Kobolds Delux - Dice Legenz Exciting D&D Quest 1 месяц назад

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Kobolds Delux - Dice Legenz Exciting D&D Quest

Dungeons & Dragons Actual Gameplay. Hunted of Kalnour #7. Join "The Hunted of Kalnour", a dangerous adventure set in an unforgiving land of monstrous beasts, harsh cold, and a spreading empire. In this story four heroic outlanders - a ranger, a druid, a sorcerer, and a monk - face a ruthless warlord of wit and charisma who has the unstoppable power of being able to control dragons. Dice Legenz is an exciting, fast-paced, hilarious DnD livestream made by a team of television and stage professionals. We film from a studio in New Zealand. If you like Critical Role, give us a try! You can watch the show live every weekend at   / dicelegenz   The D&D characters are level 6: -Cerci, an elf sorcerer -Feku, a human monk -Frank, a goblin ranger -Nagiisa, an elf druid Thanks to D20 Collective for sponsoring our show. They have a mind-blowing array of beautiful dice for any budget. Classic sets, special effect sets, bundles, metal dice, wooden dice, gemstone dice. Visit them at and use the code "KiwiLegenz" at checkout to get a 10% discount. Thanks to Bea DnD for sponsoring this episode. They are an amazing supplier of all your nerdy wants and needs. Books, dice, paints, Magic the Gathering, board games.... Visit them now! Use the code "dicelegenz" at checkout to get a 10% discount. Thanks to World Anvil for sponsoring our show. World Anvil is the ultimate online world-building and campaign creation tool for dungeon masters, writers, chroniclers, and creative people of all types. Create an account now at Dice Legenz Links: Official site: Twitter:   / dicelegenz   Twitch:   / dicelegenz   Discord:   / discord   Instagram:   / dicelegenz   Facebook:   / dicelegenz©2023   Dice Legenz is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
