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Dreamy Night in Howl's Moving Castle (Studio Ghibli ASMR Ambience)

It's a still, moon-lit night in Howl's moving castle. Watch the landscape change out the window as the castle traverses over countless mountain ranges. Calcifer's gentle wood-burning fire crackles nearby, along with occasional creaks and groans from the castle engine. Melancholy tunes resound from a nearby piano. Maybe you'll be lulled to sleep like grandma Sophie on that fateful night when she stumbled upon the castle. NOTE: Since this channel is not monetized, I have no control over ads and can't stop them from appearing in my videos. Hope you can still enjoy. Additional Tags: Dreamy Night in Howl's Moving Castle (Studio Ghibli ASMR Ambience) #Howl'sMovingCastle #Howl'sMovingCastleMovie #ASMRAmbience #GhibliAmbience #CastleAmbience
