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Скачать с ютуб Военная помощь Украине: ответ пресс-секретаря Пентагона ген. Пэта Райдера 5 декабря в хорошем качестве

Военная помощь Украине: ответ пресс-секретаря Пентагона ген. Пэта Райдера 5 декабря 4 месяца назад

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Военная помощь Украине: ответ пресс-секретаря Пентагона ген. Пэта Райдера 5 декабря

Q: ... the -- the current figure of how much PDA, Presidential Drawdown Authority, is still available? And once that's exhausted, don't -- do the services have other sources they could tap for Ukraine? GEN. RYDER: Yeah, so right now, there is roughly $4.8 billion in restored presidential drawdown authority still available, and there is $1.1 billion in existing resources available to backfill U.S. stocks. So in terms of funding -- as I highlighted, without funding, we will not be able to provide Ukraine with the critical security assistance it needs to protect its cities, its people, its critical infrastructure, and we may reach a point where we can't sustain the current level of security assistance support to Ukraine. And our spending decisions are going to be informed by multiple factors, which include Ukraine's immediate needs, their equipment availability, and our capacity to replenish our resources, ensuring that our aid is both strategic and sustainable.
