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🤣 BEST JOKE OF THE DAY! - A Man goes Into A Bar and Asks | 3 месяца назад

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🤣 BEST JOKE OF THE DAY! - A Man goes Into A Bar and Asks |

LOL Jokes - 🤣 BEST JOKES OF THE DAY! BEST JOKE OF THE DAY! - A married couple is driving down... #LOLJokes - 🤣 BEST JOKES OF THE DAY! The longest joke ever! surely worth watching till the end! Like and subscribe for more jokes! #jokeoftheday Timestamps: 00:15 a man goes into a job interview 00:36 three blondes walk into a police station 01:35 a man who just died is delivered to a local mortuary 03:05 an Italian a Mexican 04:37 a blonde woman is walking two dogs 06:45 a blonde guy walks into a bar 07:47 a blonde is flying in a Boeing for the first time 08:20 a champion jockey is about to 09:15 sure enough 10:39 one hot summer afternoon 13:08 Akpos why are all these people running 15:45: hey there I Subscribe To Support My Channel For More Funny Jokes😘👀 Don't Forget To Like This Video 👍🏻 Share It With Your Friends 📣🙌 ***********************************************************************
