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Скачать с ютуб Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. Rihanna (Official Video) в хорошем качестве

Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. Rihanna (Official Video) 11 лет назад

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Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. Rihanna (Official Video)

Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. @rihanna is taken from the album Mylo Xyloto released in 2011 (hear the album at Subscribe for more content from Coldplay: Listen to the album Mylo Xyloto on YouTube here:    • Mylo Xyloto   See more official videos from Coldplay here:    • Coldplay Official Music Videos Playlist   FOLLOW COLDPLAY Website: Instagram:   / coldplay   Twitter:   / coldplay   Facebook:   / coldplay   Tiktok:   / coldplay   Spotify: ABOUT COLDPLAY Since forming at university in London, Coldplay have gone on to become one of the planet’s most popular acts, selling more than 100 million copies of their nine Number One albums, which have spawned a string of hits including Yellow, Clocks, Fix You, Paradise, Viva La Vida, A Sky Full Of Stars, Hymn For The Weekend, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Orphans and, most recently, Higher Power and My Universe. #Coldplay #Rihanna #PrincessofChina #MyloXyloto
