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Exyl - Egg

Egg. Stream on Spotify: Follow me on Spotify: Discord:   / discord   Instagram:   / exyl_sounds   Twitter:   / exyl_sounds   ● Can I use this song for YouTube or Twitch? Yes use it! Please credit me in your description. I had to deal with too many thieves & false claims, so to protect my work, you might get a pre-emptive claim from my friends at State51. If you wish to monetize on YT, or would like to purchase a commercial license, please reach out via email. Adventure of a goofy egg on its quest for life answers. This is a very silly video compared to my usual bangers, and dark style. It's playful and cartoonish. Took me almost a year to make, and the main purpose was for me to learn animating with simple objects in Blender. I created it without much expectations or worries, during simpler times :') #exyl #egg
