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Unbelievable Footage Of Apex Predators Hunting Their Prey | Deadly Game | Real Wild 2 года назад

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Unbelievable Footage Of Apex Predators Hunting Their Prey | Deadly Game | Real Wild

In the animal world, it's either kill or be killed. With focus on some of the most powerful and feared predators in the animal kingdom: lions, cheetahs, polar bears and many more, we see footage of how these incredible animals hunt down their dinner. Nothing is certain when your life is on the line, whilst some hunts go off without a hitch, others manage to escape just seconds away from disaster. Click here for more documentaries: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:   / realwildchannel   Content licensed by ZDF Enterprises to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected] #RealWild #Documentary
