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Скачать с ютуб Ryu Nakayama / Tatsuya Yoshihara / Shun Enokido / Takahito Sakazume - Sakuga MAD в хорошем качестве

Ryu Nakayama / Tatsuya Yoshihara / Shun Enokido / Takahito Sakazume - Sakuga MAD 1 год назад

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Ryu Nakayama / Tatsuya Yoshihara / Shun Enokido / Takahito Sakazume - Sakuga MAD

The video does include footage that was animated by animators that are not in the title of this video such as Toru Iwazawa, Rie Ishige, Yuuya Kumagai, and others. I still included the footage since they were all directed by one of the four people listed in the title. This is the group of animators that will play a huge part in the Chainsaw Man anime. Open closed captions to see which animator was responsible for which scenes. Music: - Descent to Grey by Kensuke Ushio - Microfilament by Kensuke Ushio Animes that are featured on the video include: - Takt op Destiny - Black Clover - Yatterman Night - Jujutsu Kaisen - Fate/Grand Order Commercials - Raison d'etre - Gamers - Space Dandy - The Rising of the Shield Hero - Princess Connect Re:Dive - Macross Delta - Barakamon
