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How the UK and China Went From Friends to Foes

Sign up to Brilliant (the first 200 sign ups get 20% off an annual premium subscription): In this video, we're examining the recent UK sanctions on China for hacking the Electoral Commission, signaling a notable shift in relations. We'll explore the decade-long deterioration, its drivers, and what might come next. 🎞 TikTok:   / tldrnews   💡 Got a Topic Suggestion? - Support TLDR on Patreon:   / tldrnews   Donate by PayPal: Our mission is to explain news and politics in an impartial, efficient, and accessible way, balancing import and interest while fostering independent thought. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. The channel is run by a small group of young people, with us hoping to pass on our enthusiasm for politics to other young people. We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Help support us by subscribing, engaging and sharing. Thanks! 0:00 Intro 0:59 The “Golden Era” of UK-China Relations 3:53 End of the Golden Era 6:03 Will the UK and China ever be mates again? 6:51 Sponsor
